Learn How to Swiftly Move Artboards in Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator is a powerful and versatile graphic design software, widely used across various industries for creating stunning visual projects such as logos, typography, icon designs, infographics, banners, and more.

A key feature that enhances your creativity and workflow efficiency in Illustrator is the ability to manage artboards effectively. In this blog post, we will explore how you can easily move artboards within your Illustrator project to ensure a seamless organization of your designs.

Key Takeaways

  • Artboards in Illustrator act as individual canvases within a single document, allowing designers to efficiently manage their workflow.
  • Using the Artboard Tool, designers can easily move and edit artboards within their workspace, resize them, and create new ones.
  • Multiple artboards can be moved simultaneously by selecting them with the Artboard Tool and dragging them as a group or entering specific x and y coordinates for each selected artboard’s position in the Properties panel.
  • Rearranging and reordering artboards can be done using the Artboards Panel to create numbers, aligning options like left or center aligning or distribute spacing evenly.

Understanding Artboards In Illustrator

Artboards in Adobe Illustrator are essentially canvases on which designers can work, allowing them to create multiple designs within a single file.

The Purpose Of Artboards

Artboards serve as the foundation of any design project in Adobe Illustrator, acting as individual canvases within a single document. Each artboard can hold different elements and designs, making it ideal for creating various assets such as logos, icons, typography font designs, and infographics – all while maintaining an organized workspace.

The beauty of using multiple artboards is that they allow you to efficiently manage your workflow by keeping related pieces together without cluttering your view as you work on specific tasks.

This organizational tool is particularly helpful for beginner designers who want more control over their projects while minimizing distractions or unnecessary complications from overlapping layers or objects in their documents.

How To Create And Delete Artboards

Creating and deleting artboards in Adobe Illustrator is an essential skill for beginner designers, as it helps in managing multiple designs efficiently within a single document. Follow these simple steps to create and delete artboards:

  1. Launch Adobe Illustrator and open a new document.
  2. To create a new artboard, press Shift + O to activate the Artboard Tool or select the Artboard Tool from the Toolbar on the left side of your workspace.
  3. Click anywhere on the canvas to create a default – sized artboard or click and drag to define a custom size.
  4. You can also add artboards with specific dimensions by going to File > New Document > Artboards, entering the desired number of artboards, and adjusting their size and arrangement settings before hitting “Create.”
  5. Add more artboards by clicking the “+” button in the bottom – right corner of an existing artboard using the Artboard Tool.
  6. To delete an unwanted artboard, use the Artboard Tool to click on the target artboard’s name label; this will activate that particular artboard.
  7. Hit Backspace (Windows) or Delete (Mac) key on your keyboard, or right – click on the activated artboard’s name label and choose “Delete Artboard” from the context menu.

Remember that by practicing these steps, you’ll gain better control over your design workspace in Adobe Illustrator, making it easier to work with complex projects involving multiple designs or layouts.

How To Move Artboards In Illustrator

Learn how to effortlessly move artboards in Illustrator by using the Artboard Tool and navigating between multiple artboards – take your design organization skills to the next level!

Using The Artboard Tool

The Artboard Tool in Adobe Illustrator is a powerful feature that enables beginner designers to easily move and edit artboards within their workspace. Below are the steps for using the Artboard Tool:

  1. Launch Adobe Illustrator on your computer and open your desired project.
  2. Locate the Artboard Tool in the toolbar, which is typically located on the left side of your screen. The icon resembles a small clipboard with a crosshair.
  3. Click on the Artboard Tool to activate it.
  4. With the Artboard Tool selected, click and drag an artboard to reposition it within your desired area of the workspace.
  5. To resize an artboard, click on its corners or edges and drag according to your preference.
  6. If you want to create a new artboard, click and drag anywhere outside an existing artboard while having the Artboard Tool active.
  7. To delete an artboard, select it using the Artboard Tool and press “Delete” on your keyboard or choose “Delete” from the context menu by right-clicking it.

By mastering these simple steps, beginner designers can efficiently arrange, organize, and edit their work in Adobe Illustrator using the Artboard Tool.

Moving Multiple Artboards Simultaneously

To move multiple artboards simultaneously in Adobe Illustrator, simply select the artboards you want to move by holding down the shift key and clicking on each one. Once the desired artboards are selected, use the Artboard Tool to click and drag them as a group to their new position. Alternatively, you can also use the Properties panel to enter specific x and y coordinates for each selected artboard’s position. Keep in mind that when moving multiple artboards at once, any artwork within those artboards will also be moved accordingly.

Navigating Between Artboards

To navigate between artboards in Illustrator, there are a few methods you can use:

  1. Use the Artboard Navigation Widget located at the bottom left corner of the workspace to switch between artboards quickly.
  2. Use the Navigator panel to zoom in and out of each artboard and move them around.
  3. Use the Hand tool to drag through all artboards or just specific ones.

Additionally, Illustrator also offers some keyboard shortcuts for quick navigation:

  • Use Ctrl + Alt + O (Windows) or Command + Option + O (macOS) to open the Artboards panel, where you can select an artboard from a list.
  • Use Shift + Page Up/Page Down to jump between artboards in order.
  • Use Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + [ or ] keys to navigate back and forth through the artboard list.

By using these methods, you can easily explore your artwork across different artboards and make changes as needed.

How To Copy, Cut, And Paste Artboards

Learn how to easily copy, cut, and paste artboards in Illustrator to manage your designs efficiently and save time.

Copying And Pasting Artboards

Copying and pasting artboards can save time and effort when working on multiple projects in Adobe Illustrator. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Select the artboard you want to copy.
  2. Press Ctrl+C (Windows) or Command+C (Mac) to copy the artboard.
  3. Go to the location where you want to paste the artboard.
  4. Press Ctrl+V (Windows) or Command+V (Mac) to paste the artboard.

Alternatively, you can also right-click on the selected artboard and choose “Copy” from the context menu. Then, right-click on the destination location and choose “Paste Artboard”. This option is available in Illustrator CC 2017 and later versions.

Keep in mind that copying an artboard retains its original name, so make sure to rename it according to your project needs after pasting it.

Copying and pasting multiple artboards at once is also possible. Simply select all the desired artboards and follow the same steps as above.

With these simple steps, you can quickly duplicate your work without starting from scratch each time!

Cutting And Pasting Artboards

To move artboards in Illustrator, you can also cut and paste them within the same document or another document. Here’s how:

  1. Select the artboard(s) you want to cut by clicking on it/them with the Artboard tool.
  2. Go to Edit – > Cut (or press “Ctrl + X” on Windows or “Command + X” on Mac) to remove the selected artboard(s).
  3. To paste the artboard(s) into a new document, create a new file and go to Edit – > Paste (or press “Ctrl + V” on Windows or “Command + V” on Mac).
  4. To paste the artboard(s) into the same document, make sure that you have another existing empty artboard within the same document. Then, go to Edit -> Paste in Place (or press “Ctrl + Shift + V” on Windows or “Command + Shift + V” on Mac).
  5. If you want to duplicate an artboard instead of cutting it, simply hold down Alt/Option while dragging the artboard with your mouse.

By using these cutting and pasting techniques, you can easily rearrange and organize your artwork across different documents or within a single file using Illustrator’s versatile Artboards feature.

Rearranging And Reordering Artboards

Users can rearrange and reorder their artboards in Illustrator using the Artboards panel, which allows for easy numbering, aligning, and distributing of artboards.

Using The Artboards Panel

The Artboards Panel in Illustrator is a useful tool for managing and arranging artboards within a document. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Open the Artboards Panel by going to Window > Artboards.
  2. To rearrange the order of your artboards, click on an artboard in the panel and drag it up or down. You can also use the up and down arrows at the bottom of the panel.
  3. To create a new artboard, click on the New Artboard button at the bottom of the panel.
  4. To delete an artboard, select it in the panel and click on the Delete button at the bottom of the panel.
  5. The Artboards Panel also allows you to rename your artboards by double – clicking on their names in the panel.
  6. You can change properties such as dimensions and position of an artboard by clicking on it in the Artboards Panel to access its options.

By using these tips with the Artboards Panel, you can easily manage and organize your artwork in Adobe Illustrator for a better design workflow.

Renumbering Artboards

To ensure that your artboards are properly organized and presented, it’s important to renumber them in Illustrator. Here are some tips for doing so:

  1. Use the Artboards panel: You can renumber artboards by selecting them in the Artboards panel and clicking on the “Resequence” option.
  2. Manually renumber in Layers panel: Alternatively, you can manually renumber artboards by going into the Layers panel and updating their names/numbers.
  3. Do it before rearranging: It’s best to renumber your artboards before rearranging them to prevent any issues with sequencing.
  4. Importances of numbering: Renumbering is crucial for exporting as a PDF, as it determines the page sequence.
  5. Do not use manual Layer Panel Rearrangement: Avoid rearranging artboards manually in the Layers panel, as it can affect artwork positioning.

Remember these tips, and your artboard organization will be top-notch!

Aligning And Distributing Artboards

To ensure that artboards are properly aligned and distributed within a document, users can follow these steps:

  1. Select the artboards that need to be aligned or distributed.
  2. Open the Align panel by going to Window > Align.
  3. Choose the desired alignment option from the panel, such as aligning to the left or center.
  4. Use the spacing options in the panel to distribute the selected artboards evenly.
  5. Click on “Apply” to align or distribute the artboards.

By using this feature, designers can ensure that their artwork is properly organized and spaced out within a document. This can help improve overall workflow and make it easier to work on multiple designs at once.

It’s important for beginner designers to become familiar with these tools and techniques in Illustrator, as they can greatly improve their design process and productivity in the long run. These features allow for more efficient organization of artwork, making it easier to complete complex design projects with multiple elements.

Additionally, keyboard shortcuts can be used in conjunction with these tools for even faster workflow. By utilizing these tools effectively, designers can create high-quality designs more efficiently than ever before.

Tips And Tricks For Managing Artboards In Illustrator

– Hiding Artboard boundaries can improve your design view and reduce clutter on the screen.

Hiding Artboard Boundaries

Hiding Artboard Boundaries is a helpful feature in Adobe Illustrator that allows designers to hide the edges of their artboards. Here are some important facts about hiding artboard boundaries:

  • This feature can be toggled on and off using the View menu or with the keyboard shortcut Shift + Ctrl + H.
  • When artboard boundaries are hidden, it allows designers to focus on their artwork without unnecessary distractions.
  • Hiding artboard boundaries also makes it easier to see how an image will look when cropped or printed.
  • When exporting artwork, it is essential to turn off the “Hide Artboard” option so that all elements within the design can be seen.
  • Designers should note that while hiding artboard boundaries removes the visible edges, it does not change the size or positioning of the artwork.
  • This feature is especially useful for designers who work with multiple artboards as it makes navigation between them more seamless.

Remember these important facts when utilizing this feature in Illustrator to help streamline your design process and create stunning graphics!

Zooming And Fitting Artboard Views

To work more precisely on your artboards, it’s important to be able to zoom in and fit the view. Here are some tips for doing so:

  1. Zoom Tool: Use the Zoom tool to zoom in and out of specific areas on your artboard. Simply click and drag a box around the area you want to zoom in on.
  2. Navigator Panel: The Navigator panel allows you to quickly navigate around your artboard and zoom in and out quickly.
  3. Command + 0 (Zero): This keyboard shortcut will fit your entire artboard onto your screen.
  4. Command + Plus/Minus (+/-): This keyboard shortcut will zoom in or out of your artboard with each press of the keys.
  5. Command + Space Bar: Hold down the space bar to temporarily switch to the Hand tool, allowing you to pan around your artwork while zoomed in.

By utilizing these tools and shortcuts, you can easily zoom in and fit your views while working on multiple artboards within one document. This will help you work more efficiently and effectively as a beginner designer using Adobe Illustrator.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts can greatly improve your workflow in managing artboards. Here are some useful ones to know:

  1. Create a new artboard: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P (Windows) or Cmd + Option + Shift + P (Mac)
  2. Duplicate an artboard: Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac) + drag the artboard
  3. Navigate between artboards: Arrow keys or Ctrl/Cmd + Arrow keys to jump to next/previous row or column of artboards
  4. Select multiple artboards: Shift-click to select a range, Ctrl/Cmd-click to select individual artboards
  5. Move and reorder selected artboards: Arrow keys, then hold Shift for larger increments or Alt/Option for smaller increments
  6. Delete selected artboards: Delete key
  7. Open the Artboards panel: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + O
  8. Rename a selected artboard: F2 key

Customizing keyboard shortcuts for these functions and other frequently used ones can drastically improve productivity in Illustrator. Don’t forget to take advantage of this feature!

Frequently Asked Questions

Some commonly asked questions about managing artboards in Illustrator include how to select an artboard, whether it’s possible to move artboards without using the Artboards panel, and if users can align artboards manually.

Can I Align Artboards Manually In Illustrator?

Yes, you can align artboards manually in Adobe Illustrator. The Align panel in Illustrator offers a range of tools to align and distribute artboards along a chosen axis.

Users can choose to arrange artboards by row, column, left-to-right or right-to-left layout order. Additionally, users can manually rearrange artboards into different layouts to suit specific design requirements.

For example, if you’re designing an infographic with multiple sections, arranging the artboards in a grid-like manner may be helpful for organizing your content.

How Can I Select An Artboard In Illustrator?

To select an artboard in Illustrator, simply use the Artboard tool located in the Tools panel. When activated, this tool allows you to click on any of the artboards within your document and make it active for editing.

Alternatively, you can also select an artboard using the Artboards panel by clicking on its thumbnail or selecting it from a list. Additionally, if you have multiple artboards stacked on top of each other, you can cycle through them by holding down the Option/Alt key while using either of these methods.

Is It Possible To Move The Artboards Without Using The “Artboards” Panel In Illustrator?

Yes, it is possible to move artboards in Adobe Illustrator without using the Artboards panel. One way is to use the Artboard Tool, which can be found in the toolbar or by pressing shift+O.

Simply click and drag an artboard to move it around on the canvas. Another option is to use the Move tool (V), which allows you to select and move objects including multiple artboards at once.


In conclusion, managing artboards in Adobe Illustrator is a crucial skill for any designer looking to create organized and efficient projects. With the ability to move, copy, reorder, and align artboards using various tools within the software such as the Artboard Tool or the Artboards Panel, designers can streamline their workflow and keep multiple designs and layers well-organized.

Don’t be afraid to utilize keyboard shortcuts or experiment with different views of your artboards.


1. How can I select and move a single artboard in Illustrator?

To select and move a single artboard, use the Artboards panel to select the desired board, then click and drag it to its new position on the canvas.

2. What is the best way to rearrange multiple artboards at once in Illustrator?

Use the Artboard tool or Artboard panel in Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 or later versions to rearrange multiple boards at once. From there, simply click and drag each selected artboard to your desired location.

3. Is it possible to move an entire document’s collection of artboards in one action?

Yes! Simply choose “Move/Copy Artwork with Artboards” from the Document Setup dialog box (under File > Document Setup), then hold down Shift while dragging all of your selected artboards together.

4. Can I lock or unlock individual artboards from being moved accidentally?

Yes – you can group objects within an individual board by selecting them with Shift + Click, then locking that specific board by right-clicking or going through Object > Lock > Selection . You may also want to consider naming each of your boards for easier identification when working across multiple files.

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